Finding things that work for you
Hey – wanted to reach out, and say thank-you!! I’m the guy you talked to about guitar at the Holiday Inn in Alexandria – really fun night listening to you, and I appreciate the advice you gave me! I have since tuned my guitar down 1 full note, and it’s made all the difference!! Strings are a bit more rattley, but like it better. Also, watched that video “Just Breathe” by Willie Nelson, awesome – been practicing this song on my guitar at home, and singing in my car along with it on Amazon Music. There’s a You tube guy I like – – he’s got a 17 minute tutorial on it.
Great stuff!! Keep in touch!!!
Really nice to hear from you, Lin! That's well done on taking those things and running with them! It's a good idea to spend $50 and have your guitar freshly set up now that you've dropped down the tuning. It helps with the rattling, etc. and the guitar is then better in-tune up and down the fret board. Glad you liked the video and have taken that song into your heart.
I'll be at The Eagles every Wednesday 5-8 pm, and then on Friday the 18th from 7-10, and at The Lure on Saturday Oct 26th. Hope to see you again. And, I am happy that you stay in touch in any way, shape or form.
Rock on, my Friend!